Solstice and Happy New Year!

 Solstice and Happy New Year!

Good Morning, I just finished my morning yoga.  I always feel so much better after that practice; it's so centering.  One thing that yoga teaches is moving to your edge or doing a pose to it's fullest expression but then you back off a little bit, you re-adjust, roll your shoulders down, take a breath, relax your jaw and your tongue, take another breath, not a half breath a full breath (into your sides, as in feeling your lungs fully expand).  Why, because you can't hold the pose at it's maximum for long but if you relax a little you can stay longer and this requires adjustments; your limbs need to be slightly bent, etc.  

Why am I starting with this yoga idea?  Because I've been thinking about where we can use that concept in life of backing off a little bit to make something a bit easier. 

What if instead of starting a new diet you try a couple of the ideas you know you'll be able to stick with?  What if the shift is a small one like moving your body for 5 minutes instead of signing up for a gym membership you may never use. 

With so many careers you are giving so much of yourself, teaching included but how and where can we back off just a little so there's space, more space to enjoy, to take a break, to let some of the light shine in if you will? Maybe, it's setting boundaries at lunch, during planning, leaving a few minutes earlier?  Who knows, that's for each of us to decide but I hope we find that this year; the ability to go to the edge and then back off a little so we're more comfortable.

What if that shift makes the difference for wellness, health, the outlook for more days of more joy?

As a family we recently tried something new.  I signed us all up for this lantern making workshop with parks and rec. and we made these lovely (quirky)lanterns for the solstice parade.  It was so fun making them and then walking in the parade.  This is an example of that idea; it was just a little bit outside of our comfort zone but now we can't wait to participate again and make different lanterns.

Making the lanterns with twigs and twine, tracing paper 
and lots of Modge Podge.  Oh, the smell of Modge Podge, lol.

Sunset before the lantern parade, so pretty!
They had us gather right before sunset at 5:30 - The parade started about 45 minutes later once it was dark.
The lanterns were so creative and pretty!

Here's a little video.  There was even music after, by the Water Kickers so sweet!

There's been a lot happening in the background recently, some real ups and downs; however, I always want to highlight the good times so that as I look back a year or years from now I'm reminded of this happy event.  
In Memory of two greats that left this world too soon.  
Jean Kaslik and Victor Collins.  
Jean and I played Bunko together in Gig Harbor and met at Kopachuck. She made everyone feel like family and was always smiling. We stayed in touch even after the move. I will miss having her in my life and grieve for her family.
Victor Collins and I met subbing at Crayton Middle School, he was always so genuine in the way he greeted guests who came into the school. His proud kindness was always felt. Again always smiling. 
Tend to your gardens sweet friends and families, so that they may continue to bloom and grow!
Big hugs and love to you all!