Making Friends and Finding Inspiration

 Getting Connected, Making Friends, 

and Finding Inspiration

If you are feeling lonely or disconnected, I hope this helps or provides a stepping stone.  May this serve as a friendly reminder to get out there and make connections.  Why?  Introverted or extroverted we all need each other.  Also, the beauty of technology is that you can be selective in finding your tribes. 


What do you enjoy doing?  Whatever that is - there is a group doing it!  Have you looked on the internet or Facebook for a group to join doing that thing?  You should.  There's a group for almost everything these days.  I'm part of Elementary teacher groups, hiking group, neighborhood group, artist groups and so on.  Mark and Jules went to the Comicon the other day and I joined a group of women on a walk in the morning.  Did I know any of them, nope but because of technology I was able to go on a wonderful walk with some lovely people.  I felt so much better afterwards and not just physically but emotionally.  I can't wait to join again.

The LIBRARY!  Libraries are such a wonderful resource.  They have spaces to go and hang out.  They have book groups, knitting circles, teen and kid groups, and so much more.  They are one of the first places that I go to to connect with the community.  I'm part of Sew Divine: A Gathering of Crafters and it's a circle of mostly women all making something and chatting.  It's so relaxing and restorative.  Groups like this are so wonderful if you are introverted because it's not a mass of people.  It's 5-10 people in a small intimate group.  You can talk as little or as much as you'd like and you are making something.  What could be better!


When I moved to WA I heard about the Art League and was completely in love with the idea of Plein Air Painting (Painting in the outdoors).  I didn't know the first thing about actually doing this however the fantasy of it was what made me attend.  I met some lovely people and the places we went, were gorgeous!  I loved exploring and trying this thing that I read about.  It was hard at first, since I had never done it before but I learned and stuck with it.  I also started attending some meetings, which lead to me helping bring in guest speakers for the group. I created with fellow artists in the winter on Fox Island.  This group of women showed me what retirement can look like.  They inspired me and inspired my own vision for the future.  I developed long lasting friendships from that group and will be forever grateful that I was brave enough to try. If there's a group you want to join but you're afraid.  Join anyway!  Trust me, they aren't judging you.  We've all been the new kid.

 Book Clubs have been part of my life since I lived in Denver.  Gathering with friends over a good book is a good thing.  There are all kinds of book clubs these days and if you don't like hosting then look no further than your local library or book store.  If you don't mind sharing your home - invite some friends and rotate.  If you're fancy - you'll have dinner based on the theme of the book.  I have so many fond memories of book club nights.  

Recently Jules (my son) and I have been attending a group of portrait and figure artists.  This is something very new to me but again - there is this lovely community of people all working at their craft.  Here's the other thing I love - every age group is represented.  There are college students to seniors who've been doing this most of their lives.  There is no pressure to be or act a certain way.  We are all there trying our best to sketch, paint, and capture a moment.


This is one of the best ways I know to make friends and challenge yourself (in a good way).  You thought I forgot about inspiration.  How can all of this not inspire creativity?  No matter where we are. We are all seeking connection to each other, the world, the earth, the universe.  This is just the tip of the iceberg - let's not forget churches, gyms, community centers, and more.  Cheers to finding your tribes!

Have a connected week! - 💓Eileen