Logo Creation

Visual Communication Class - One of Four classes I took this semester.  Above are thumbnail sketches of animals.  After feedback from other students and deciding that my company name would be Eyeshine, I landed on the butterfly shape, and refined the design. (more about this below)
We produced horizontal and vertical designs, played with the art on black and white background, then finally color!




Really fun, what color do you like best?

Final Business Card Design


Naming a business can take some time to figure out.  I have been thinking about this for a while.  My name is Eileen pronounced (eye-lean),  it's a challenge for people to pronounce and spell, so using it is out; however, I’ve wanted my business to have a name that hints at my name.  I am getting my degree in Integrated Design and am mostly teaching but I do design work on the side and am always making things, so it would be nice to have a name that works well for various projects.  I often help with logo design, make art and other items like earrings, and sew a variety of items and this type of name works well for all of it.

The other part I love about the name of the word “Eyeshine” is the definition, Eyeshine is a design in the vertebrate retina that causes eyes to appear to glow in the dark. Eyeshine is caused by a reflective layer in the back of the eye called the tapetum lucidum. The tapetum lucidum is Latin for “bright tapestry”.  Butterflies don’t have this in their eye but the iridescent nature that their wings have is similar and their wings look like a tapestry under a microscope, so pretty cool, weaving all these ideas together.