Bumps in the Road

Hi Everyone,

I was doing so good at having a weekly blog post!  There were even a couple of weeks where I had a blog scheduled ahead of time.  And then...

    things in life got in the way...

        Jules had surgery (kidney stones, doing fine now but more TBD)

            My computer went kaput

                And things got serious with needing to get ready for                             teaching.

            The bottom line to all of that is that I got off track with my                     blog.  

                    Earth shattering - not

                        A little disappointing - yeah

                            Giving myself grace and getting back onto the saddle                                 - for sure.

So - this is the beginning of my reboot if you will.  I'll be honest - with teaching beginning soon - I'm not sure what my new goal will be with my blog.  I have a couple that I would love to make.  I really love the process of making these, whether one person reads it or many.

Therefore - the blog might be every other week or once a month.  I would like to find a place where there is a rhythm for it's creation that feels more natural.  I think weekly is a bit too much - so we'll see if I can find the happy medium.  Maybe every other week - maybe once a month - also TBD

I've been listening to the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.  There are many take-aways but one of them is to not fight with your own nature and making habits enjoyable so that we return to them.  I really like that.  So, I'm off to grab a little snack and maybe start on my next blog which will be about a couple of easy little sewing projects I've been working on.  So, till then - Love y'all.  Hugs to a wonderful week!

This is the latest painting I've been working on.  I'm entering two into the SC State Fair, 

so fingers crossed that they'll be accepted.  More about that in Sept. small type here 

so it's just a whisper to the universe :)