New Paintings

 New Paintings!

This one is a 2'x3' Canvas - Acrylic medium but I built up the logs and surface at the bottom with paper clay.  This was inspired after painting several new paintings on one canvas.  More to come on that in another blog (I'm working on a video to explain that). 

This was inspired by the northern lights which were witnessed across the US and even here in SC!  Amazing.  This image just came to me in the wee hours of the morning.

Here's the side view so you can see how I built up the texture at the bottom.

Here's the painting on the wall, so you can see the scale.
This one is 3' x 4' and this one I used liquid acrylics.   This one was inspired by the card that I created in watercolor (I used that image for my bullet journal post). Inspired by an Ansel Adams photograph.  I loved the colors so I just dove into creating the stones at the bottom and then the water and sky appeared.  Three suns. I have many thoughts about them but I'll leave it to interpretation.  Isn't that part of the beauty of art.  What do you think? I'll be curious what this painting makes you think about. Needless to say that little card inspired me to play on a larger scale.  I love the liquid acrylics and will be playing with those more. 

Here's a close up so you can see the watery-ness of these paints.  It's just gorgeous like watercolor.  I had fun using alcohol which disperses the paint and putting some of the liquid acrylic into my squirt bottle so that I could spray the paint.

I'm hoping these might be part of a series Land and Sea...

Enjoying branching out into new territories with my creativity.  Hope you are too and that this inspires creating in little or big ways.  Also, thanks everyone for your feedback on the last blog.  I'm hoping to put some items for sale soon.

Cheers - xo Eileen